
Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2. Present Perfect Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Dialogue

Present Perfect Tense

  1. I have bought a new car.
  2. My sister has started a new job this week.
  3. She has already submitted her paper.
  4.  They have not got a baby girl yet.
  5. You have never told me about your girlfriend.
  6. Julia has not finished her Science project.
  7. My students have not been lazy this semester.
  8. Have you forgotten your lunch box?
  9. Who has gone to the bookstore?
  10. Why has a car stopped in front of you?
  11. We have not been to Australia.
  12. Has the weather been warm lately?

Present Continuous Tense

  1. She is writing a novel.
  2. Alice is going to Singapore.
  3.  Benny isn’t calling me.
  4. The cat is playing with the dog.
  5. Is she sleeping right now?
  6. Are we building our dream house this year?
  7. Suzy and Anthony are visiting our house.
  8. They aren’t swimming on Wednesday.
  9. I’m always losing my pen.
  10. Am I playing a computer right now?
  11. We are staying in Hotel Harris.
  12. I’m not having dinner with my family on Saturday night.


Supri = Hi Ujang, what are you doing?
Ujang = Oh, hi Supri, I am Cleaning the classroom. (Present continuos tense)
Supri = By the way, have you had your lunch? (Present Perfect Tense)
Ujang = No, I haven’t.
Supri = Let’s eat.
Ujang = But I Haven’t finished my task yet. (Present perfect tense)
Supri = Why didn’t you do it this morning?
Ujang = Because I came late to school this morning. (Past tense)
Supri = Why are you late today in school?
Ujang = Because I was having a stomach ache earlier. (Past tense)
Supri = Really? Then, I will help you clean the classroom. (Future tense)
Ujang = Thanks. I have been sweeping this part of the class. You should sweep that part. (Presejt continuos tense)
Supri = Okay.


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