Present Perfect Tense
- I have bought a new car.
- My sister has started a new job this week.
- She has already submitted her paper.
- They have not got a baby girl yet.
- You have never told me about your girlfriend.
- Julia has not finished her Science project.
- My students have not been lazy this semester.
- Have you forgotten your lunch box?
- Who has gone to the bookstore?
- Why has a car stopped in front of you?
- We have not been to Australia.
- Has the weather been warm lately?
Present Continuous Tense
- She is writing a novel.
- Alice is going to Singapore.
- Benny isn’t calling me.
- The cat is playing with the dog.
- Is she sleeping right now?
- Are we building our dream house this year?
- Suzy and Anthony are visiting our house.
- They aren’t swimming on Wednesday.
- I’m always losing my pen.
- Am I playing a computer right now?
- We are staying in Hotel Harris.
- I’m not having dinner with my family on Saturday night.
Supri = Hi Ujang,
what are you doing?
Ujang = Oh, hi
Supri, I am Cleaning the classroom.
(Present continuos tense)
Supri = By the
way, have you had your lunch?
(Present Perfect Tense)
Ujang = No, I
Supri = Let’s eat.
Ujang = But I Haven’t finished my task yet.
(Present perfect tense)
Supri = Why didn’t
you do it this morning?
Ujang = Because I came late to school this morning.
(Past tense)
Supri = Why are
you late today in school?
Ujang = Because I was having a stomach ache earlier.
(Past tense)
Supri = Really?
Then, I will help you clean the
classroom. (Future tense)
Ujang = Thanks. I have been sweeping this part of the
class. You should sweep that part. (Presejt continuos tense)
= Okay.